Happy March !
Spring is on the way & wedding dates approach more quickly than you can imagine. So if you are a future bride or bridesmaid and are planning to do your own makeup I have detailed, helpful tips for you.
Part One: Skin Care Have fun with this…remember it’s for your wedding!
I know you are 20something and your skin feels fine so you don’t think you have to moisturize. There is a moisturizer for every skin type…oily,combination or dry. You don’t have to spend lots of money to get one. Drugstores now have a wide range of skincare products for all skin types. If you feel unsure or worried about allergic reactions see a friend recommended dermatologist.
If you break out when under stress it’s a good idea to see a dermatologist well ahead of time to ask about a product that will help.
Also if you want to have a facial before your wedding have one
at least one month before. This is really important, believe me.
Have a simple facial if you have not had one before and use an esthetician who is highly recommended.
Now for brides 30 & over ! All of the above applies plus eyecreams
are a real plus. The skin under the eyes are the first part of the face to lose moisture.If you are a regular makeup wearer regardless of age be sure to cleanse well. Your skin will thank you.
OK, here’s the bottom line. You will feel great & look gorgeous on your very special day
in person & in your photos if you take good care of your skin.
Part Two / Foundations is coming in a few days. Have a wonderful weekend, Wendy